_______________ TRY IT and SEE "Statistically impossible . . . zillions of years . . . It just won't happen. Try it and see." Sean Pitman discusses "statistical impossibility". |
The basic algorithm is very simple, with just 30 or so lines coding for Point Mutations, Insert Mutations, Delete Mutations, Snippets, Snip Remainders, and Snip Inserts (recombinations). Here are a few typical results form the Word Mutator, per generation: |
________________________ The PUDDING in the POND |
----- "I" Mutations and Snippets Pond = 25 Selection by Length id, 2 ibid, 4 biking, 6 immixing, 8 flinching, 9 flinchingly, 11 unflinchingly, 13 So, in just seven generations, we have evolved a word with thirteen letters. |
----- Note how the selection by Scrabble score resulted in some interesting "z"-words. |
----- Finding the word, "denominationalists", took about ten minutes to sort through 12 million possible mutants (with a 2.5GHz P4). Note also that even though there are ~29,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (26^18) possible combinations of 18 letters, and only 3786 18-letter words in our dictionary, this did not stop the Word Mutator from finding such an 18-letter word.
seaman, 13 words After over a billion mutants considered, Word Mutation had discovered more than 26000 words, a third of our entire dictionary! |
______________________________________ It was a subtly beautiful dawn when I finally had to stop the Word Mutagenator. The longest word evolved was "fingerprinting" at 14, but also compound words of length 13, such as "tenderhearted" and "cabinetmakers", as well as Latin conjugates, such as "intermediates" and "nationalities". The highest Scrabble score was "hitchhikers" at 26, in the 99th percentile in our Dictionary (even though selecting for Scrabble score was secondary to length). So why doesn't it take 26^14 (10^19) permutations, but only about
10^9—a much, much smaller number?
It's simply because we don't have to consider every single possible permutation! Basically, most permutations will never be considered.
Also note how Malthusian Limitation (of the population) in the previous "alphabet" example resulted in finding the even longer 18-letter word, "denominationalists"— and in far fewer computations. With biological evolution, a similar process is at work. Nature doesn't consider every single mutation, but just makes small changes to what already exists and works—and discards those that are less fit. Interestingly, our word game shows how the complex nature of longer words is a result of their evolutionary history within the game, "rat", "ion", "ration", "nation" or "cabinet", "maker", "cabinetmaker". In the poem "Beware a War of Words" we see how these, and many other words, "rose from simple forms, in meaning, and in kind, step-by-step". |
___________________ Which brings us to Zachriel's Word Mutagenation. This program starts with "seed" words and then evolves longer and longer words, using bit-by-bit mutation, or through recombination. Word Mutagenation is actually two separate programs. The first spreadsheet program, Word Mutator, checks every mutation and recombination for each and every generation. This meets the technical challenge presented by our Creationist friend. One advantage of this program is that the results are replicable. The second spreadsheet program, Word Mutagenator, mutates random words in random ways, sometimes with mutation, sometimes with recombination. This more closely approximates the process of biological evolution. In any case, the programs are quite interesting to watch, and clearly demonstrate that the Creationist is not only wrong, but completely, absolutely, utterly wrong.
©2004 Zachriel |
______________ Following is the heart of the VBA code. It's really quite simple and only about 30 lines of code for each engine. I hope you enjoy the Word Mutagenator. For myself, I found it quite mesmerizing.
'_______________ 'MUTAGENATOR 'for a random Word in population 'Random for Mutation
or Recombination 'MUTATIONS Else End If call Validate(Mutation) '(Validate checks if Mutation is in Dictionary and not already in population.)
©2004 Zachriel |
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