1970 AD - Corruption
Corruption is manageable. Most of our cities are strong producers and self-sufficient. We have a net income of 162 per turn. (However, the recently acquired towns in the southern hemisphere will be a net drain on the treasury for the foreseeable future.) |
Atlanta, Pop 20
Atlanta is 11 squares east of the Capital in New York. Corruption Courthouse, Police Station, Offshore Platform, and most other major improvements. Building Recycling Center. |
Sverdlovsk, Pop 20
Sverdlovsk is 8 squares west of the Forbidden Palace in Moscow. Corruption Courthouse, Police Station, Offshore Platform, Recycling Center, and all available improvements.
Osaka, Pop 12
Osaka is 13 squares east of the Capital in New York. Corruption Courthouse, Police Station, Cathedral, Bank, and all lesser improvements. Building Hospital. We Love President Lincoln Day!