Allele Blender
Requires VBA6
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©2008 Zachriel

This project relates to a discussion on the
Evolution on an Excel Spreadsheet!
Allele Blender
, a simulation written in VBA6. 
Open source in the VBasic Editor.
Some facility with spreadsheets can be helpful.

Organism: A sequence of digits.
Population: A group of Organisms.
Gene: Each position in the sequence is a gene (or locus).
Genome Size: Number of genes in an organism.
All Organisms in a Population have the same Genome Size.
Allele: A variation in a gene, represented by a number from 0 to 9.
Fitness: The fitness of an organism is the sum of the alleles values for each gene.
Beauty: Beauty is  in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is defined as a long slender tail.
Habitat: Each organism inhabits a cell on a flat grid corresponding to the rows and cells of the spreadsheet.

Example Organism: 342110

The example has 6 genes.
The first gene is a 3-allele.
The fitness is 3+4+2+1+1+0 = 11

The tail is read from right to left; 0,1,1,2. Low numbers are preferred. Beauty = 10+5+5+3 = 23


Generations: You can set the number to be run.
This is useful if it is expected to take a long time.

Random Genome: If True, sets each gene to either 0 or 1 randomly.
Otherwise, all genes are set to 1. Changing this value resets the simulation.

Rows * Columns = Population Size. Changing this value resets the simulation.

Mating: By proximity, meaning the eight adjoining cells in a matrix.
Organisms can selectively mate by Fitness or Beauty, or Randomly.
Mating results in recombination of genes.

Colonization: Each new Child attempts to Colonize one of the adjoining cells.
It selects the weakest Organism in the adjoining cells.
It must have a higher fitness to dislodge the existing Organism, or dies.

Mutation: The percentage of mistakes made when a gene is duplicated.
A gene can mutate to any lower step, but only one step higher.
E.g., a 3-allele can mutate to any value from 0 to 4.

Show Sequence: You can turn on the display of sequences for large arrays.

: You can initiate a new population by pressing ctrl-n.
Generate: Advance the generation with ctrl-g.
                 Row, Column and Random Genome parameters reset simulation.

Statistics: Collected and displayed.

G: Generation Number.
Fitness and Beauty: Averages and Standard Deviation
"Typical": The average allele value for each gene.
Allelogram: The proportion of each allele in the population.


From the makers of Word Mutagenation.